We’re happy to announce that FlexFormz now supports Canadian currency. Within the FlexFormz plugin, you can now choose whether you want to receive USD or CAD currency. This configuration is global and will affect all your forms. The new currency will also be added to your email receipts and reporting if you choose to activate it.

Stripe reports will show the information in your default currency. It is important to keep in mind that Stripe charges a conversion fee for charges in a currency not associated with your bank account. The conversion fee varies, but it’s about 2% on top of the regular transaction fees. You can avoid this extra fee by connecting to a Canadian bank account if you are using CAD currency.

More Control Over Your Gift Arrays

With the FlexFormz 2.6.0 plugin release, you can now change ALL your gift amounts dynamically by passing them through URL parameters. You can also vary single vs monthly gift amounts in the URL string. The same donation page with different parameters will help you target different audiences depending on their giving history. Create seamless donation experiences that give you more control over the suggested donation amounts displayed.

New Text Field Label Help for Donors

One of the major improvements in the FlexFormz text fields is that the donor can now see the label defining a field while they are typing in that field. Our goal in this update was to make the form text fields easier to read, more distinguishable, and with a clearer touch target. We want users to be able to fill out a form correctly and as quickly as possible!
