Another giving breakthrough from FlexFormz


A gift catalog created for nonprofits …
not a repurposed sporting goods cart!

Too many ‘nonprofit gift catalogs’ come with a cumbersome shopping cart system and a confusing checkout routine.

GiftCatalogz powered by FlexFormz gives you a whole new way to create custom gift catalogs that utilize the very best fundraising practices.

Banner Gift

Now you can now give donors the easy-to-use gift catalog experience they wish you had offered sooner!

3 compelling reasons why GiftCatalogz powered by FlexFormz will make giving easier for your donors and friends … and make it easier for you to meet your funding goals and needs!


GiftCatalogz are incredibly easy to use!

Creating gift choices — and selecting them — is a breeze. In a matter of minutes, you can easily deploy one of our out-of-the-box gift catalog templates. And donors will find what you’ve created to be clear and compelling.

What’s more, unlike some donation platforms that charge more for their mediocre gift catalogs, the GiftCatalogz is another free tool in your FlexFormz suite!

Easy For Use (1)

GiftCatalogz are tied to clear needs … and are motivating to donors.

Built around the donor user experience, GiftCatalogz powered by FlexFormz are attractive to donors and prospects. They can see what and how they are helping and it puts them in control of how much help they provide. It’s an exceptional experience.

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GiftCatalogz make needs easy to understand and simple to meet!

The provided templates make it easy for you to showcase needs that donors want to meet, but may not have been aware of. When “the cookies are on the bottom shelf”, more people are ready to enjoy them … and share them with others!


Advanced users can do even more with short codes.

How Do I Start

Want to explore how/if GiftCatalogz can work for you?

We would love to hear about your goals and challenge. If FlexFormz Gift Catalogz is the right solution for you, we’ll be happy to show you how it can go to work for you sooner than you thought!

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